
IoT and Smart Cities

Improving the field automation processes

Increase the benefits from IoT in the field operations

Industrial IoT provides multiple benefits by automating field operations, enabling remote maintenance of the devices and offering a source of information of the field asset’s status. Newelo brings digital maps to view real-time device information and  tools to help in maintaining large number of autonomous IoT devices. The field work orders can be enhanced with latest data from the IoT devices to assist effective task completion.

Seamless operation with different IoT platforms

All the IoT data can be directly deployed with Newelo tools and into the field work operations. The fast reporting from the field is combined with IoT device information visualization in order to provide complete visual KPI dashboards to both asset and field work status.

Better decision making with the field data analytics

The data and reports from the field improve the daily decision making as well as offers a rich data set for analyzing the operations performance. Newelo solutions can even be integrated with AI solutions to improve the predictive maintenance and use the benefits of machine learning in problem resolution detection.

Cityscape connected line with wifi sign.
Work orders in IoT operations:
  • Alarm and inspection tasks and reports related to monitoring
  • Work orders generated automatically from the IoT device alerts
  • Maintenance work tasks based on the measurement data, for example room temperature, moisture, water level, etc…
  • Work orders and reports related to preventive maintenance
  • Work orders and reports related to scheduled inspections
  • Work orders and reports related to IoT device roll-out project
  • Field analyses, device installations, network coverage measurements and management of fault situations
IoT device information:
  • One mobile terminal for the field personnel’s use
  • Real-time information from the IoT devices on map for field personnel
  • Task locations on the map with navigation information
  • Versatile work orders to support maintenance and installation operations
  • Integration with your exiting company’s work and operations management systems
  • Integration to IoT platforms, such as IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure or you exiting IoT system

Would you like to know how our service can be scaled to fit your own business operations?

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